Friday, October 31, 2008

Art and Murlocs

I never thought that I would have as much trouble with murlocs IRL as I do with them in game. For those of you who don't know a murloc is a famed WoW creature that causes you to die a lot. I have dyed several sets of murloc and I am not sure but they are not done drying yet. So verdict is out until I see them dry. Ever since I saw the knitted murloc I had to have one. I started contemplating the various ways to make one and dye one that I thougtht was a good representation of a murloc. So I looked at some FO's on Rav and decided that a "good" murloc needed two colors: a body color and a fin color. What makes the murloc so cool is the contrasting colors. SO! I was going to look at murlocs today to get a good look at one to see if they would lend any insights into a colorway, but I was so involved in other things (namely the simple re-quest) acheivement I forgot. So this evening at my new house that doesn't have internet, I had to decide on what colors to make my murloc. Well that means that I had think about what I thought murlocs look like. I decided they look teally-yellowy-bluey. Or maybe more greenish -aqua- golden. Anyways that is how I dyed it and I hope when I log in and actually look at them I will find myself relieved they look they way I thought they did.

When Adam and I were in high school at Orme, all of the seniors had to take a class call humanities. It was taught by an english teacher and an art teacher, and later a philosophy teacher I really did not care for........ I thoroughly disliked the class.
The class for the most part was based around the premise of "What is Art?" and we talked some about Art History, but mostly the goal of the class was to try and come up with a definition for art. We looked at Christoff(?), some guy who built the wall of sheets across California and covered a famous building in Berlin. Our assignment was to cover trees in the courtyard in front of the library with orange construction paper. So we took this huge roll of paper and wrapped it around several trunks and taped it up. It looked horrible and to me it definitely was not pretty or "art". However here we are trying to broaden our definition of art and this teacher was teaching us essentially to be more accepting of "art" might be. So here I am 6 years later in my kitchen dyeing and I realize that I may finally actually understand what hell he meant. I have decided that I can be comfortable defining art as a representation of an artist's interpretation. I have been to some famous art museums and seen some really cool art. If you were to ask me in general if I thought I was an artist I would probably say no. I can't really draw, I never took any art classes unless it was a requirement, you get the picture. I was a Biology and Computer double major, I didn't take any art classes in college. In fact quite recently I had someone tell me that I am a "logical" person and not really artistic. To which I said because the person was an illogical person, obviously (and didn't really know me very well).

Anyways moving on, I think now about my colorways and my strive to be unique and think what is it that makes someone look at a Picasso and declare it wonderful art, or a Monet, or even pop artists. I know a lot of what makes art important is the history of art. It is more then that though, I guess you never do know what draws people to a certain piece. I guess I do what could be defined as in the art realm. I definitely don't think of it that way but if you simplify it down more and more, I dye which is in the realm of painting and most people would consider painting art. Yep, definitely not what I thought I would be doing next. How funny, huh? Man, I hope these murlocs turn out, because I can only sell so many murloc rejects..... ;) I have decided on my next colors and I hope they go over as well as the last two. The names are going to be the best part. I love naming things quirky and funny names if I can. Like my tauren druid is named Mynataur because Myna is my nickname. One of the people in my guild is named Eatcritanddie, and another is named Mootilator. Love it!

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