Monday, December 1, 2008

Home Again Home Again

So while I was visiting the FMIL("future mother in law") and Adam's family in New Mexico, my horses decided they would jail break and go wandering. I got the call from my panicked friend watching them and Adam had to restrain me from jumping on the next flight home. Some good Samaritan returned them home safely. I guess someone was watching out for me. Anyways, I realized that when I returned home not only did I have my horses to get fenced in better, but I also had a bunch of dyeing to do! I had mixed up all the dye, but never had gotten around to pouring it on. Well now all my dyes are light and faded. So I had to remix. Today I got back into the dyeing groove. I have just a little bit more of yarn to dye for the sock club. I am feeling freer by the minute.

The good thing about being away from home was all I did was knit for a weekend straight. I got a sock done. I started some toddler glittens (they are tiny!) on size ones. I have to say I am really liking the size 1's. I saw a beautiful hat that Through the Loops knit for me out of the DK Select. Once I know I am allowed to show the photos I will put them up because it turned out amazing!

I have a bunch of really cool ideas for the next two months, but I don't want to reveal them until I have all the appropriate pictures to go with them...... at least I think they are cool.

I am starting to think about what I am going to put in the Stitches fashion show.... a lot of scheming going on over here, and it's not just my horses :)

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